Waiting Game

I was about to go home when I swung by Tom’s Journey. I read there, on the top of his posts, these quotes from the book Red Moon Rising by Pete Grieg and Dave Roberts.

“I feel like God is waiting to see if I am waiting. If he just flooded in with answers and guidance right now, I would not have changed, I would not have learned to wait and trust without the answers and without a roadmap for the future. So I’m glad that God was silent, because I actually want to wait…

I don’t necessarily want ease and instant anything any more. I want to be different before I do anything different. So I’m waiting for God, and God is waiting for me to see if I am really waiting for him, and not just wanting things from him.”

I am one of those people who has engaged in this game for a very long time. I continuously pray for God to help me on my struggles with a lot of things but sometimes I don’t even give Him a chance to speak or even listen to what He has to say. I always go back to what I have been doing and don’t take heed on His words. Sometimes we don’t get the answers to our prayers because we are so busy looking for the answer ourselves. And if He just gives us what we want, right away, we will never change. We will continuously do what we used to do knowing that God will help us anyway. We just want things from Him, but we won’t listen.

But no, God wants us to wait for Him. It’s like hearing Him say, “If you won’t listen to what I have to say, then you won’t get what you ask for”. Lol! It just struck me that sometimes, prayers are not answered because we asked. We get the answer to our prayers because we listened. We waited on what the answer would be: would He be giving us what we ask for, or would He be leading us into something that is much better?

picture taken from Pernickaproductions.com

5 thoughts on “Waiting Game

  1. Hey mate,

    Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog, your revelation spoke to me as much as the quote did originally…. and it makes sense, God is never a liar. He always has the best for us but sometimes we just dont seem to really want it.

    Your comment also enabled me to come across your great blog too, I’ll be sure to check back 😉

    God bless

  2. Thank you for the comment you left on my blog. Yours is beautiful, too: the design is clean, the articles, well-written…

    Let us all keep the light of Christ burning as we tell the world of His love and mercy through our blogs.

  3. Hey, thanks for comment on my site!!

    This post was a blessing to read. It speaks alot of truth. I have been guilty many of times of becoming impatient with waiting and then go off looking for the answer I want myself. I’ve also learned nothing becomes accomplished that way. In fact, it just puts me in the a bigger bind. Now I pray and leave the rest to God. When he speaks, I listen.

  4. in this time of seeking answers and guidance, this post surely proves to be helpful. have read it before, but my current situation prompted me to reread it, and thus discovered its different meaning to me now.

    here’s to a prayer that indeed we will all learn how to have the right heart to seek Him and in turn hear Him.. 🙂

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